Tuesday 11 November 2014

Sample questions with answers - Islamic Studies

Here some sample questions with answers in red colour.

1. Umm al-Qura is the name of
(A) Tuwa
(B) Makkah
(C) Madina
(D) Taif
2. The real name of Abu Jahl was
(A) Amr bin Hisham
(B) Hisham bin Amr
(C) Umayyah bin Khalf
(D) Amr bin Kulthum
3. The famous poet, Imraul
belonged to
(A) The Mamluk period
(B) The Abbasid period
(C) The Umayyad period
(D) The Jahili period
4. Who among the following is a
Muallaqa writer ?
(A) Farazdaq
(B) Jareer
(C) Abu Nuwas
(D) Amr bin Kulsum
5. The first Islamic State was established
(A) Makkah
(B) Khaybar
(C) Madina
(D) Tabuk
6. The Prophet Muhammad was injured
in the battle of
(A) Uhad
(B) Badr
(C) Khandaq
(D) Tabuk
7. The first marriage of the Prophet
Muhammad was solemnized at the age
(A) 22
(B) 25
(C) 30
(D) 40
8. The Oath of Aqba was taken by the
people of
(A) Makkah
(B) Taif
(C) Tabuk
(D) Yathrib
9. The Battle of Badr took place in
(A) 1 AH
(B) 2 AH
(C) 3 AH
(D) 4 AH
10.The Harb al-Basus lasted for
(A) 20 years
(B) 30 years
(C) 37 years
(D) 40 years
11.The centre of Sabaean Kingdom was
(A) Hijaz
(B) Syria
(C) Yemen
(D) Iraq
12.The first written constitution given by
the Prophet Muhammad is known as
(A) Dastur-e-Makka
(B) Mithaq-e-Tayyiba
(C) Dastur-e-Tabuk
(D) Mithaq-e-Madina
13.Ameer Muawiya was first appointed as
Governor of Syria by
(A) Abu Bakr
(B) Ali
(C) Umar
14.The Farewell Sermon given by the
Prophet Muhammad is known as
(A) Juma al-Wada
(B) Thaniyat al-Wada
(C) Khutbat al-Wada
(D) None of the above
15.The Navy was introduced during the
period of
(A) Abu Bakr
(B) Umar
(C) Uthman
(D) Ali
16.The Prophet Muhammad expired in the
(A) 632 A.D.
(B) 635 A.D.
(C) 638 A.D.
(D) 640 A.D.
(D) Umar
17.Jami al-Quran is the popular title of
(A) Uthman
(B) Ali
(C) Umar
18.Ali shifted his capital from Madina to
(A) Makka
(B) Taif
(D) Kufa
19.The Battle of Nahrawan was fought
(A) Ali and Kharijites
(B) Muawiya and Kharijites
(C)Ali and Muawiya
(D) Yazid and Husain
20.A big number of memorizers of the
Quran were martyred in the Battle of
(A) Yamama
(B) Qadsiya
(C) Camel
(D) Siffeen
21.Jareer and Farazdaq were eminent
(A) Poets
(B) Vizirs
(D) Musician
22.The Caliphate of Abu Bakr lasted
during the period
(A) 630 – 632 A.D.
(B) 632 – 634 A.D.
(C) 638 – 641 A.D.
(D) 635 – 638 A.D.
23.The revolt against the Umayyads was
led by
(A) Alqamah
(B)Abu Muslim Khorasani
(C) Jarir
(D) Walid
24.Tick-mark the odd one in the following :
(A) Qutaiba bin Muslim
(B) Tariq bin Ziyad
(C) Ibn Tufail
(D) Muhammad bin Qasim
25.The Military Commander, Tariq bin
Ziyad belonged to the period of
(A) The Abbasids
(B) The Safavids
(C) The Mamluks

(D) The Umayyads

map of Arabia at 625 AD

Time line of islamic history

you can easily find here the timeline of major events in islamic history from 6th century to 20th century

Tuesday 4 November 2014


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